Welcome to ICPRE2024

The field of Power and Renewable Energy has been rapidly growing in recent years, with a focus on developing sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Research has been focused on areas such as energy storage systems, power electronics, grid integration, and control of renewable energy sources. Advances in technology have enabled increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, making renewable energy a more viable option for widespread adoption. The 9th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy serves as a platform for researchers and practitioners to share the latest advancements in this field and discuss their potential applications. It is important to regularly convene such international conferences to promote collaboration and exchange of ideas, ultimately driving progress and innovation in the field of power and renewable energy.

After the success of 2023, The 9th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, the annual premier power and renewable energy development meeting, will be held from September 20-23, 2024 in Guangzhou, China. ICPRE 2024 is co-sponsored by South China University of Technology and IAS, IEEE, hosted by School of Electronic Power Engineering,  South China University of Technology and technically supported by Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Anhui University of Science and Technology, etc.  We truly believe that ICPRE 2024 will achieve greater success and provide a better platform for all the participants to have fruitful discussions and to share ideas of researches. With high standard and high quality submissions and presetations in ICPRE. With the four days' conference, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to showcase your work in front of professionals in the power and energy engineering sector at this hugely popular, one of a kind conference. 


2024年第九届电力与可再生能源国际会议(The 9th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, ICPRE 2024)将于2024年9月20-23日 在365体育投注:广州召开。2016年首届电力与可再生能源国际会议起源于上海,2017至365体育投注:年先后由电子科技大学机械与电气工程学院主办并在成都和柏林召开,2020年ICPRE由上海交通大学主办受疫情影响举行了线上会议,2021年由上海电力大学主办在疫情好转后成功线上线下相结合召开,2022年由上海海事大学主办顺利线上线下结合召开,2023年再次由上海交通大学主办召开线下会议召集海内外超400人参会。ICPRE作为亚太地区的能源年度会议,2024年将由华南理工大学,IEEE,IAS联合主办!上海交通大学,上海大学,上海海事大学,上海电力大学 ,安徽理工大学等协办!

会议旨在探索塑造电力生成、分配和利用未来的创新解决方案,特别关注可持续和可再生能源的应用。我们期待通过开放的交流氛围,探讨电力工程、可再生能源技术、智能电网、能源储存等多个领域的前沿问题。ICPRE 2024不仅提供了学术交流的平台,更是一个相互连接的社群。在这里,您将有机会与世界各地的专家和同行建立深厚的联系,分享您的见解和经验。此外,还将有精彩的专题研讨会、成果展览等环节,为您呈现更加丰富的学术体验。无论您是研究人员、从业者还是对这一领域充满热情的学生,ICPRE 2024都欢迎您的积极参与。一同构建电力与可再生能源领域的未来,为可持续发展添砖加瓦。让我们在这次充满启发的盛会上共同探讨、共同成长!期待与您相会。

为鼓励动力和能源领域的青年研究学者,组委会特设立青年科学家奖,最佳论文奖,最佳学生论文奖,最佳行业文章奖 ,最佳评审奖,最佳组织奖,也为积极参会报告的作者设立了最佳报告奖,最佳海报奖


Topics (Including but not limited)

Topic I: Power and Energy Engineering
? Active Distribution Networks Technology
? Electric Grid of the Future
? Energy Interconnection, Integrated Energy System
? Energy Storage Technologies and Devices
? Fault Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance
? Power Systems and Automation
? UHV AC/DC Transmission
? Virtual Power Plant

Topic II: Clean and Renewable Energy
? Distributed Generation (DG)
? Energy-Saving Technology
? New Energy Applications
? New Energy Materials and Devices
? Photovoltaic Systems and Solar Energy Engineering
? Renewable Energy Utilizations
? Wind Energy Systems


Topic III: Intelligent Computing and Applications for Sustainable Energy and Environment
? Advanced intelligent theory and algorithms
? Intelligent modelling, monitoring, and control theory and algorithms
? Intelligent computing, modelling, optimization and control in utilization of clean and renewable energy resources
? Intelligent modeling, simulation and control of environment such as climate change, water treatment and waste management, etc.







All accepted papers will be subject to review and will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, subject to meeting the scope and quality requirements. Additionally, the publisher will submit articles to other indexing services, such as Engineering Village, Scopus, and Web of Science, for review and indexing. **20% of the presented papers will be selected for further review to be published in the IAS periodicals (IAS Transactions and Magazines).

ICPRE 2024 has entered the IEEE Official List. (Check)

Publication History:

※ The proceedings of ICPRE2023 (ISBN:979-8-3503-2881-3) IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and Scopus.
※ The proceedings of ICPRE2022 (ISBN:978-1-6654-5062-1) IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and Scopus.
※ The proceedings of ICPRE2021 (ISBN:978-1-6654-4961-8) IEEE Xplore,
EI Compendex and Scopus.
※ The proceedings of ICPRE2020 (ISBN:978-1-7281-9026-6) IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and Scopus.
※ The proceedings of ICPRE365体育投注: (ISBN:978-1-7281-4574-7) IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and Scopus.
※  The proceedings of ICPRE2018 (eISSN: 2267-1242) E3S, EI Compendex and Scopus.
※  The proceedings of ICPRE2017 (ISBN:978-1-5386-2156-1) IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and Scopus.
※  The proceedings of ICPRE2016 (ISBN:978-1-5090-3068-2) IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and Scopus.


CFP Flyer(English)   中文征稿通知   论文模板(word) 论文模板(Latex)   投稿链接


Young Scientist Award


  Best Paper Award


  Best Student Paper Award


  Best Industrial Paper Award


  Best Presentation Award


Best Reviewer Award


  Best Organization Award


  Best Poster Award


Important Dates/重要日期

Final Paper Submission
August 20, 2024
    Listener Deadline
September 15, 2024
  Conference Date
September 20-23, 2024


SCI Journal


20% of accepted papers will be recommended to IAS periodicals (IAS Transactions and Magazines). (JCR-Q2) for review and publication for free of charge. Some recommended papers of ICPRE2021-2023 were successfully published by this journal and indexed by SCI.

     Selected papers of ICPRE2024 will be recommended to prepare extended version of paper to Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (ISSN: 2367-2617) .

Journal Rank: Q1;
Impact Factor: 11;
indexing: SCI, Ei, Scopus, and etc.


级别:EI 工程索引(中)(365体育投注:),RCCSE(A)(2020第六版),科技核心(2020自然科学),CSCD扩展(2021-2022),中文核心(2020年版) 复合影响因子:0 第一批认定学术期刊,


文章翻译成中文后可推荐至《南方电网技术》ISSN 1674-0629 / CN 44-1643/TK






ICPRE 2024 Call for Tracks (more to be updated..)
Track 1   Modeling, Design, and Control of High Quality Electric Machines for Physical Energy Storage Systems
Organizer(s)   Yiming Ma, CSG PGC Energy Storage Research Institute
Liyang Liu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
Lu Sun, Zequan Li, Xinchi Ma, Haoyu Kang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Track 2   Wind, Solar and Storage Integrated Microgrid
Organizer(s)   Rui Wang, Xiaohan Yu, Northeastern University, Liaoning, Shenyang
Zhongbao Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing
Li Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei, Wuhan
Track 3   Non-thermal Plasma in Energy Conversion and High-voltage Applications
Organizer(s)   Zhaolun Cui, School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology
Track 4   Technologies and Applications of Digital Twin for Developing Smart Energy Systems
Organizer(s)   Tong Qian, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Luliang Zhang, Wenhu Tang, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
Track 5   Mathematical Perspectives on Stability Analysis and Control of Power Systems
Organizer(s)   Feng Ji, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing
Yang Liu, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
Track 6   State assessment, fault diagnosis and analysis of new power system
Organizer(s)   Bo Yang, Kunming University of Science and Technology
Track 7   Comprehensive Energy Intelligent Optimization Scheduling and Market Mechanism Construction Based on Typical User-Side Scenarios
Organizer(s)   Hui Chen, Chunyang Gong, Shanghai University of Electric Power
Track 8   Advanced Power Management and Fault Diagnosis in Renewable Energy and Transportation Electrification
Organizer(s)   Li Liu, Guangxi University
Lidan Chen, Guangzhou Maritme University
Track 9   Advanced control technology of generation, operation, and low-carbon electricity trading based on renewable energy
Organizer(s)   Wenyang Deng, Mingli Chen, South China University of Technology
Track 10   DC Grid Technology and Its Operation Optimization
Organizer(s)   Qianhao Sun, Fangyuan Si, Beijing Jiaotong University
Xuebo Qiao, Xuebo Qiao, State Key Laboratory of HVDC, CSG Electric Power Research Institute
Track 11   Digitalized Operation and Decision Making for Modern Power Grids
Organizer(s)   Lipeng Zhu, Jiayong Li, Cong Zhang, Hunan University
Track 12   Coordinated Optimization and Control of Integrated Energy Systems
Organizer(s)   Wei Yao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Jiehui Zheng, South China University of Technology


Submission Guideline

1. Log in the EasyChair Submission System to upload your paper 
2. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

3. The earlier you submit the paper, the sooner you will receive the result.

4. Should you have any questions about submission, please contact us via icpre_contact@vip.163.com.

Template(MS-Word)   Latex Template


? Secretary: Zeng Xiaoli
? Email: icpre_contact@vip.163.com
? Tel: +86-132-9869-9999
Workdays from Monday to Friday 9:30-18:00(GMT+8)
  Co-sponsored by   Hosted by Patrons
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